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Talking Straight with Sophie Rindfleish

Straight Up PR

Next up on the Talking Straight series is the lovely Sophie Rindfleish, known by her loyal audience as Healthy Bod Healthy Mind. We have been huge fans of Sophie's balanced & real approach to health & food freedom for a while, so we were thrilled to have the opportunity to interview her for this series. Let's get straight to it!

What is one aspect your morning routine that you look forward to? Having a morning coffee with friends after an early morning gym sesh

What’s one health & wellness trend that you have never been able to get on board with? Celery juice...I’d much rather eat it!

What piece of advice would you go back & give your younger self? Eating or exercising like someone else won’t make you look like them

What is one quality you have learnt to love & accept about yourself that you might not have before?

I’m quite reserved & take a while to open up to people (which is funny because I show a lot of my life online!). I see it as a strength now as it helps me not waste energy on people who don’t match mine

What does self-care look like to you & how do you prioritise it to prevent burn-out?

For me, self-care means that looking after my mental & physical is a non-negotiable for me. No matter what is going on with work, I always make time to move my body & make nourishing food for myself each day. This, along with knowing when to say ‘no’ to things is what helps me prevent burn-out

Complete the following sentences:

On the weekend you’ll find me... at the farmer’s market

I can’t live without... multiple coffees a day

My go-to coffee order is... soy cap with extra chocolate on top

If I were a cocktail, I would be... a Tommy’s Marg

My favourite way to sweat is... boxing

An inspiring quote that sums me up is... progress over perfection

If I could go on any reality TV show I would go on... Masterchef


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