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Talking Straight with Sami Bloom

Straight Up PR

Updated: Jun 30, 2021

It's with so much excitement that we interview our very own client, Sami Bloom. We've been representing the lawyer turned nutritionist for a few years now & she is such a beautiful person. Not only does she have passion that oozes through every touchpoint of her brand, Sami is a creator of some of the yummiest recipes we've ever had.

Sami is an advocate for a plant-based, conscious life & she's just announced that she's pregnant!! We couldn't be happier.

Here's Sami.

SUPR: What does your morning routine look like?

SB: I wake up at 6:20am & head straight to the kitchen to turn the kettle on. Meanwhile, in my bathroom, I turn on my essential oil diffuser & freshen up. My facial routine is very important to me & I carve out 5 mins to properly cleanse & do facial massage with serum & cream. I then rehydrate, alkalise & wake my body up with a tall glass of warm water with the juice of ½ lemon & a pinch of sea salt. In summer I’ll plant my feet in the grass outside & enjoy it here.

By 6:40am I am out the door with my dog for a walk. I grab a soy latte on my way & enjoy every sip! When I am taking some time-off from coffee, I’ll bring a home-brewed chai tea or matcha latte. I’m home around 8am, to make a healthy breakfast. I try to set aside 20 mins to sit down & eat slowly & mindfully (setting an alarm helps!). Then I get ready for work & am usually at my desk by 9am. If I have a moment I’ll jot down the list for the day, & circle 5 priorities, including a self-care activity that might be as simple as 2 mins of deep breathing or a yoga/pilates class.

SUPR: What does health mean to you?

SB: I believe health is about striking a balance between making choices with your body’s best interests in mind, & living life to the fullest. 90% of the time, that is the “clean” option over the greasy option, the workout over staying in bed… but sometimes it does mean a sleep in or a treat, & I choose that from a place of love for & understanding of myself. To me, it helps to remind myself that I prioritise my health from a place of wanting to have a high-quality of life & prevent disease long-term, rather than more superficial motivations & “quick-fixes”.

SUPR: What are five things you’ll always have in your fridge / pantry?

SB: Brazil nuts, nutritional yeast, tahini, broccoli, frozen berries.

SUPR: What’s your favourite form of movement?

SB: Walking! It’s easy & affordable, plus it gets people outside, refreshes the mind & is so important for our overall health.

SUPR: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

SB: I love where I live - I think Sydney, especially the Northern Beaches, is one of the best places to live in the world. Other than here, Kauai has always been special to me (it’s where my husband & I were married) & I could totally see myself retiring there!

SUPR: What is one fun fact most people wouldn’t know about you?

SB: I used to be a lawyer & I lived in NYC for one year when I was 21! So it’s only fitting that I’ve seen every episode of Law & Order SVU & know the intro by heart <3

SUPR: Why is it important to you to be Straight Up and authentic? Have you ever struggled in the past with being your true self?

SB: For sure, being on social media constantly had me questioning what “version” of myself I was portraying. I feel like I am a mixed bag - I am super health-conscious but I also love to enjoy cake & cocktails, I love a mindfulness workshop or a women’s circle, but I also could be the loudest person at the dinner table! Over the years, I’ve learned not only is it ok to be all kinds of seemingly incongruous things, but it’s also totally natural to change. My best advice is to care less what people think but have the self-awareness to reflect & come back to yourself on both the important & simple stuff & assess with kindness if you are being true to you. That’s all that matters at the end of the day. And if you feel like you don’t know who that is, remember we’re all just figuring it out as we go along! Some of those confusions or “weaknesses” might in fact turn into your biggest strengths.

SUPR: The health industry isn’t perfect. If you had the power to change one thing about it, what would it be and why?

SB: How closely the beauty & health industry have become interwoven. I can understand why it has happened, but unfortunately it paves the way for uneducated, or worse, unhealthy advice, and also makes people prioritise their health for the “wrong” reasons i.e. to look a certain way rather than to live a long, happy life.

You can follow Sami on Instagram: @samibloom


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