Next up, we get straight talking with our good friend Luke Hines!
With over 15 years experience in the wellness industry, including nine best selling cookbooks, nutritional therapy qualifications, securing a spot on Australia's number 1 cooking show, My Kitchen Rules, a TV host on Channel 7's House of Wellness and creator of his meals, mindset and moves program, Luke Hines 10, Luke's number one goal is to help and inspire people to make positive changes in their lives to be the best, healthiest and happiest versions of themselves.

SUPR: What does your morning routine look like?
LH: This may terrify some people but I have started a new 4am wake-up regime! And believe me, it isn’t as difficult or crazy as it might first sound. First off, this 4am alarm means I am forced to go to bed early which prevents me from spending too much time watching TV or procrastinating online. Then, once I am up I head straight to the gym and it really energises me both physically and mentally. I follow this up with my simple 3 ingredient pancakes at home, give the dog a long walk once the sun starts to come up, then sit down with an MCT Power Up coffee and face the inbox! All this and it isn’t even 8am yet! This keeps me ahead of the day, pro-active, and really puts me in the drivers seat for what I want to achieve.
SUPR: What does ‘health’ mean to you?
LH: Health for me is about finding balance and synergy between my three core pillars: Meals, Mindset and Moves.
- It means celebrating the most nutrient dense food on the planet and eliminating anything that can cause me harm, inflammation or digestive disease.
- Cultivating and constantly working on promoting a positive headspace and make sure the language I use towards myself comes from a place of love.
- Moving my body in a way that works for me each and every day that feels good.
When we find balance and synergy between these three core pillars of health, we are on our way to living happier and healthier lives in a long-term and sustainable way!
SUPR: What are five things you’ll always have in your fridge / pantry?
LH: Raw cacao: I am a massive lover of healthy treats, and I am always whipping something quick and easy up to curb my sweet tooth!
Cauliflower: I mean, what can’t this vegetable do, it can be rice, a pizza base and I have recently even mastered a Cauliflower Cookie!
MCT Keto Tonic: MCT stands for medium chain triglycerides and this oil is a type of fat derived from coconut oil that improves our health exponentially.
SUPR: What’s your favourite form of movement?
LH: I love anything to do with the ocean! From swimming at icebergs and pumping out some laps to surf boat rowing for the surf club, if I have the opportunity to get wet and be in the sea, then sign me up!
SUPR: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
LH: I gotta say I think we have it pretty good right here, but it would be awesome to follow the sun enjoying an Aussie summer here half the year and then jump between LA and New York for the other half of the year!
SUPR: What is one fun fact most people wouldn’t know about you?
LH: I am a massive dinosaur and Jurassic Park nerd. I have lost count of how many times I have seen the movies, I go to all and any of the museums that showcase dinosaur skeletons and fossils, and I just love learning about them.
SUPR: Why is it important to you to be Straight Up and authentic? Have you ever struggled in the past with being your true self?
LH: During high school I really struggled coming to terms with my sexuality. That combined with the fact I loved drama, debating and dinosaurs made me feel a little different, especially in an all-boys catholic school with sport as a major measure of success. Even though I felt different at school, I realised once I left school how important it was that I show up and be exactly who I am, because in turn it will help others. Now fast forward a number of years and I endeavour to always show my authentic self, and highlight when things can be harder. Because if there is anything I have learnt on my journey so far, sharing your struggles and being real helps others know they are not alone on this rollercoaster of ups and downs in life.
SUPR: The health industry isn’t perfect. If you had the power to change one thing about it, what would it be and why?
LH: I’d change the dynamic, algorithm and energy surrounding Instagram. I think it is a wonderful and powerful tool that can help us in our careers in so many extraordinary ways, especially spreading positive messages of health and wellness further than ever before with such international reach. But that said, I personally and know others who have felt the pressure to succeed at Instagram, and grow, and get the interaction, and at times it can feel really tough to understand how it works and maintain a healthy relationship with social media making sure not to compare or measure ones success with another highlight reel.