The health, wellbeing and lifestyle industry is full of some pretty amazing people and we're excited to have had the opportunity to chat with the lovely Kim Homes, Nutritionist and owner of The Healthy Little B Nutrition for our 'Talking Straight' series.

SUPR: What does your morning routine look like?
KM: Prior to my gorgeous new puppy; my morning routine would look a little like this:
Wake at 530am – my fave part of the day where I would have a glass of water with apple cider vinegar + a drop of lemon essential oil, then I do a quick 10 minute yoga sequence followed by a 5-10minute meditation/ intention set for my day. Then my kitchen is open! Either a quick bullet proof or FourSigmatic coffee followed by an acai or a yummy smoothie bowl with the kids where I throw all the goodies in! Then a gym session before work after I drop my little B’s to school.
SUPR: What does ‘health’ mean to you?
KM: Health to me is a lifestyle, not a fad or something you ‘try’. Lucky for me I have always been healthy and it is a natural priority for me. It means having a healthy relationship with food, your body + exercise. Nourishing your body with wholefoods and incorporating some sort of movement into your day.Feeling well and loving life! It is all about the healthy balance – don’t feel guilty about what you eat or if you skip a training session – tomorrow is a new day!
SUPR: What are five things you’ll always have in your fridge / pantry?
KM: 1. Nut butters
2. A big selection of herbal teas
3. A good quality plant-protein powder
4. Apple Cider Vinegar
5. Plant-based milks
SUPR: What’s your favourite form of movement?
KM: At the moment I would say strength training with my trainer (I have never felt this strong and I think it is important for women to feel strong in what they do, inside _ out)
I try to round this out with some cardio most days and yoga (I want to do more yoga!)
SUPR: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
KM: Anyone who knows me well, knows I love the Hawaiian islands- I have traveled there many times and it holds a lovely place in my heart with many beautiful memories. However apart from Europe, I think we live in the best country in the world, right here in Australia.
SUPR: What is one fun fact most people wouldn’t know about you?
KM: Apparently I dance on my tippy toes! I do love a good boogie and gone are my night –clubbing days, so it usually is at home with my family + friends, barefoot. So I guess to compensate not wearing high heels, I raise my heels. And dancing is a great form of exercise too!
SUPR: Why is it important to you to be Straight Up and authentic? Have you ever struggled in the past with being your true self?
Yes absolutely! There have been times where I have tried to ‘fit in’. But what I have learnt, especially as I get older is that your true + meaningful relationships will be drawn to you for the person that you are. And it is OK to say No :)
SUPR: The health industry isn’t perfect. If you had the power to change one thing about it, what would it be and why?
KM: Remove judgement! Be yourself and support others along their health journey, we’re all in this together :)
You can follow Kim on Instagram at @thehealthylittlebnutrition