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Talking Straight with Kerry-Lee Dewing

Straight Up PR

If there's something positive to take from 2020, it's the lessons we've learnt in resilience, adaptability & acceptance of the fact there are a number of external factors we can't control. Within this constant stat of flux, it's important to focus on the positives & embrace the slower pace of life, enjoy time to reflect & cherish the relationships that matter to us most.

It's a pleasure to speak to Aussie actress, health & wellness advocate & our beautiful friend, Kerry-Lee Dewing, about how she maintains routine & structure during these turbulent times, staying authentic in the social media era & dream travel destinations when normality returns!

What does your morning routine look like?

At the moment I’m coaching at a gym super early in the mornings, so the routine involves a very swift getting ready & getting to work. Normally however, it would comprise a 20 minute mediation, a brew of sorts & a coastal walk / dip in the ocean or, a more leisurely trip to the gym to start the day.

What’s one healthy habit you prioritised / embraced during lockdown that you’ll continue as we start to return to normality?

Exercise. This has always been a priority of mine, but I realised how important it was to maintain this on a daily basis over lockdown. For the mind, blood flow & maintaining some semblance of routine.

What are five things you’ll always have in your fridge / pantry?

Peanut butter. Almonds. Cheese. Broccoli & Eggs.

What’s your favourite form of movement?

I’d say HIIT training. Due to pre-existing injuries from my dance days, anything for sustained periods of time i.e. running don’t really agree with me. I swim from time to time as the low impact is great, but on the regular, a variety of functional, cardio & weight circuits seem to keep me engaged & motivated.

What’s the first destination you’d like to visit once we’re allowed to travel again?

Japan. The north in particular. It was on the cards for Christmas 2020 so hopefully that comes to fruition sometime in the near future.

What is one fun fact most people wouldn’t know about you?

I once shaved my very long locks down to a number 2 for a role on a TV show.

Why is it important to you to be Straight Up & authentic? Have you ever struggled in the past with being your true self?

In this social media driven era, I see greed & a desire to achieve notoriety & instant recognition as that which so often saps the authenticity & truth out of what we see. I find it really sad & obvious. My philosophy & responsibility I believe, is to remain quiet or represent an honest interpretation of my opinions. Rather than portray a disingenuous story, to often very young & impressionable followers. I think there are always occasions/offers/scenarios that test this moral code but it is something I do my best to remain steadfast with.

The health industry is constantly adapting to external circumstances. What’s one health trend you predict will remain or appear in 2021?

Last year taught us that we really can’t control how things are going to roll out. We’ve had to adopt a more present existence within this constant state of flux. We’ve also been forced to slow down, reflect perhaps & nurture those relationships most valuable to us. I think a lot was revealed in terms of the mental health benefits associated with a more realistic work life balance. I hope the industries at large can hold onto those insights & incorporate strategies to maintain this more sustainable, & healthy balance for employees.


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