Next up, the lovely Alison Morgan joins us for our 'Talking Straight' series!
Alison is a business coach, health influencer and networker, and podcaster at Mindful Biz. Specialising in 1:1 online business coaching, Alison founded her business, Relauncher, almost 10 years ago, and is considered once of Australia's leading Business Coaches.
With clients all over the world in Australia, New Zealand, America and the UK, Alison has coached 500+ Small Business Owners 1:1 in various industries since the launch of Relauncher.

SUPR: What does your morning routine look like?
AM: I’m early to rise 7 days a week. I get up between 5 – 5:30am, then exercise via an app (alternating between cardio and yoga). I usually check my emails and social media briefly before breakfast, spend some time with the boys before they're out the door for the school bus, then at my desk by 7:30am.
SUPR: What does ‘health’ mean to you?
AM: Health goes way beyond nutrition. It’s body, mind and soul. Without health we struggle with all aspects of life, so it’s within the top 3 aspects of living for me!
SUPR: What are five things you’ll always have in your fridge / pantry?
AM: Spinach
Activated Nuts
Protein Powder
Mountain Bread
SUPR: What’s your favourite form of movement?
AM: Walking without a doubt!!
SUPR: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
AM: I would love to do a year in Byron Bay, mostly because of the warmer weather, relaxed lifestyle and beach life.
SUPR: What is one fun fact most people wouldn’t know about you?
AM: I’m a mover. I struggle with sitting for long lengths of time, which makes my job difficult as I’m at my desk most of the day. Any opportunity I get; I stand up, move and very often jog on the spot just to get my blood flowing!
SUPR: Have you ever struggled in the past with being your true self?
AM: Not really. I’m very black and white and fortunately don’t feel compelled to do things to fit in. As a result, I’m always myself – not loud, not quiet, uncomplicated & there because I want to be :)
SUPR: The health industry isn’t perfect. If you had the power to change one thing about it, what would it be and why?
AM: I really feel that Social Media has blown a lot of topics out of proportion and also put an emphasis on elements which don’t really need to be scrutinised and overanalysed. It’s important to focus on your own health; that being mindset, nutrition and movement in a way that suits you.
Perhaps there needs to be a module at school which takes students through being a viewer on Social Media, teaching them how to absorb content without taking it too seriously.