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How to Nail a Creative Mailer

Straight Up PR

Updated: Jul 13, 2021

PR send outs have been around since the beginning of (PR) time. They’re an iconic & somewhat essential part of what we do. Whether you’re sending product to your favourite Influencer or journalist at a publication. Getting product into the hands of those who are influential is key. But these people also receive multiple send outs a week – nay, a day. So, how do you get your product noticed in a crowd of PR boxes?

Here are our top tips on how to execute a Creative Mailer send out that will catch your recipients’ eye & inspire action (& coverage!)

1. Send with purpose & creative flare

We’ve heard this all before, but seriously… what’s your why? Sending out product for the sake of it & hoping that the journalist or Influencer will post about it is so 2010. Think about the purpose of the send out & why the recipient would be interested in it. Make it as tailored as possible to avoid wasting your time, their time, your product/resources & energy. Make sure you connect with the recipient & gage their interest in the product before sending it & get them to agree to checking it out & sharing about it. When sent creatively & with a ‘wow’ factor, this will increase your chances of coverage, so have some fun.

2. Create action

At Straight Up PR, we love doing send outs that spark action & involves the recipient ‘doing’ something. We’ve recently conducted two send outs during the

pandemic with our client Pic’s Peanut Butter. One was conducted during Easter, where we partnered with recipe developers Healthy Luxe, who created a healthy chocolate peanut butter Easter egg recipe. We then, collaborated with Alter Eco who provided us chocolate for the wholesome send out. The package included egg moulds, peanut butter, chocolate, & a little activity. The action – make your own Easter treats with Pic’s Peanut Butter. We also created & included a Pic’s themed colouring in page with pencils for an iso-friendly activity to keep them entertained. Influencers with kids especially loved the send out (another action!)

3. Collaborate with a likeminded brand for impact

You know the old saying, two brains are better than one. Well, in the PR world, two brands are better than one. Find a likeminded brand that is relevant to your business & work together to get something creative into the hands of those you want to reach. See below for our collaboration with Pic’s Peanut Butter & Got Bread – bread & peanut butter... name a more iconic duo!

4. Pose a question

Have a specific message or debate you’d like to start on socials via Influencers? Think of a creative question that you know will spark interest with the person receiving the package & do it in a way that will then entice them to be the mouthpiece for your campaign. Recently our two clients Got Bread & Pic’s Peanut Butter collaborated on a send out, together wanting to start a conversation about how you enjoy your peanut butter on bread. Do you use butter? Or just go straight on with peanut butter? The packages were sent to 10 Media & Influencers that agreed to receiving & posting about the send out & told us ahead of time whether they’re a butter fan or sit in the no-butter camp. These 10 people received their package of bread, peanut butter & butter & all shared the question that has since divided a nation. Many of them conducted ‘polls’ on their Instagram, which then instigated a conversation & interaction with their own communities. The power of purpose, mixed with a question, a collaboration & action resulted in an impactful creative mailer.

5. Be eco-friendly

Recently we’ve seen a positive change in how brands & retailers have been delivering product. There’s a lot less plastic & more innovative, recyclable options. This is a big one for us, especially being in the health & wellness space. Try & limit your plastic usage as much as possible & use materials that are recycled or can be used again. The recipient will feel better for it.


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