Our second interviewee for our Talking Straight with series is Sarah Cooper.
Sarah has a passion for health and nutrition, and creates healthy recipe content and offers catering throughout Sydney via her website and Instagram Scoop it Up. We recently had the pleasure of receiving some of Sarah's peanut butter bliss balls for our Pic's Peanut Butter event and we're still talking about them now. They were ahhmazing!
Sarah has also recently completed her Pilates Instructor course and is now a qualified and Pilates teacher.

SUPR: What does your morning routine look like?
SC: It depends if I have uni, but most days my work is mainly in the afternoon so I can spend my mornings my favourite way. This is usually a class at Lean Bean Fitness or a run with my mum, followed by a coffee at our favourite Bronte Calipress. This is my favourite time of the day to have me time and if my Mum isn’t working, then spending time with her too. I will then always make a healthy bowl with eggs, greens, mushrooms and kraut for brekkie!
SUPR: What does ‘health’ mean to you?
SC: Health covers sooo many different aspects of ones self. I think it really depends on the context but I believe it encompasses your mind and body. It's so interesting how connected your brain and mind are to your body (particularly the gut) and I think people forget that your physical and mental/emotional health is so intertwined and are both equally as important to maintain good health.
SUPR: What are five things you’ll always have in your fridge / pantry?
SC: Ooooh ok this is fun. It would have to be chilli flakes, garlic, GREENS (faves are broccoli, kale and brussel sprouts), tahini and nut butter (usually almond), eggs and 90% dark chocolate.
SUPR: What’s your favourite form of movement?
SC: It really depends on the day and how I am feeling. I love mixing it up and always doing something different. That might be running, a burning pilates class or some interval HIIT workouts to get sweating. But sometimes it could just be a nice coastal walk with a great podcast!
SUPR: If you weren’t a Recipe Creator and Pilates Instructor, what would you be?
SC: Tough one I still don’t know what I am doing haha – I think I would love to experience what it would be like to be a nutritionist, not forever but I still think I would find it super interesting. Also maybe a health and wellness features writer as I am studying Journalism and have always loved to write.
SUPR: What quote do you live by?
SC: It's more of a mindset, but to always find sunshine where there is rain. I try to always find the positives in moments of stress or anxiety. Even if it's just the smallest things like stopping to take gratitude for what you have, like living in such an incredible place by the ocean. I want to walk past it everyday and never take it for granted.
SUPR: Share a fun fact that people wouldn’t know about you
SC: I was actually born with red hair haha and overtime it turned blonde! OR I really don’t like raw fish, even in sushi. People are always surprised and I wish I did because it's so good for you but I just cannot stand the texture!